Golden Summer Salad (Serves 2)


2 Golden Globe Plums, pitted and sliced

2 Tablespoons Almonds, Toasted and Slivered

Generous handful of Mixed Greens

Cherry Tomatoes, halved

1 Radish, thinly sliced

Burrata Cheese To Taste (Optional)

Sweet Green Pickled Peppers (Recipe to follow)

Golden Globe Plum Dressing To Taste (Recipe to follow)

Sweet Green Pickled Pepper Recipe (optional)

½ Cup Water

½ Cup Rice Vinegar

Sweet Green Peppers, Sliced

2 Cloves of Elephant Garlic, pealed and sliced

Salt To Taste

Method //

Combine all ingredients in a small saucepot and bring to a boil. Remove from pot and put into storage container and let sit until room temp. Use or store.

Golden Globe Plum Dressing

8 Ripe Golden Globe Plums, Pitted

½ Cup Apple Cider Vinegar

2/3 Cup Olive Oil

1 Tablespoon Honey

2 teaspoons Dijon Mustard

2 Tablespoons Cold Water

Salt To Taste

Salad Dressing Method // 

Put all ingredients into a blender except for oil. Blend on low and slowly and olive oil in a steady but slow stream. Add salt to taste.

Salad Assembly Method //

Add mixed greens to a large bowl

Top with sliced tomatoes, plums, radishes, peppers, almonds and burrata (optional)

Toss with Vinaigrette

Nutrition Facts about Plums

High content of unique phytonutrients called neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid. These substances found in plum and prune are classified as phenols, and their function as antioxidants has been well-documented. They increase the bodies ability to absorb iron. They are also very high in Vitamin C.