L | In herbalism, tea infusions and decoctions are my absolute favorite preparations out of all the methods. More so than tinctures, syrups, capsules, and so on, for I find that the herbal infusion truly does suck out every last vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant that the leaves, flowers, roots, barks, and berries have to offer.  And above all else, I find that drinking the infusion is incredibly bio-available.  I can literally feel the mineralization within moments. 

This particular infusion is my absolute favorite - especially for skin, nails, and hair.  From the copious amounts of b vitamins in the nettles to the abundance of minerals in red raspberry leaf, and loads of bio-available iron from all of these herbs, this is by far the most skin glowy, hair thickening, and nail strengthening supplement I consume. It’s also uterine toning for all the ladies out there prepping their bodies for pregnancy or rebuilding it after birth.

My hair literally becomes super hair on this tea.

You can order herbs at Mountain Rose or pick them up at your local coop. Enjoy! 


2 part Nettle Leaf

2 part Red Raspberry Leaf

1 part Yellow Dock

PROCESS | in an 8 cup jar, simply add 4 tablespoons of nettle leaf, 4 tablespoons of red raspberry leaf, and 2 tablespoons of Yellow Dock. Adjust these measurements if you find yourself with a bigger or smaller jar.  Bring water to a boil.  Pour boiling water over herbs in the jar.  Cap the top and steep for four hours.  Strain and enjoy 2-3 cups a day. Enjoy warm, room temperature, or, if you’re bad like me, cold during this insane heatwave.


As always, it’s best to consult your acupuncturist to see which herbs you are specifically in need of at this present time.