Holiday Survival Guide

The holiday season can be a joyous time of celebration, warm connection, family time and community.  Though it can also be a time of stress and overindulgence. It's easy to overextend ourselves and absorb energy from others, so it's important to find ways to ground ourselves and find peace. Practice taking long, deep breaths and take quiet time to unwind. Make conscious choices, establish boundaries, exercise and nourish your body with healthy food. Offering this to yourself makes it so easier to offer more love and gratitude to those around you. 

As we shift into the winter season, begin making self-care, quiet time, and self-reflection a top priority. This connection to the natural rhythms and cycles of nature creates a sense of calm and wellbeing. Nourish and enjoy yourself this holiday!


This time of year has us rushing from one thing to the next in a fury of energy and emotion. A great tool to help you feel at ease is incorporating meditation into your daily life. This can be done at anytime throughout the day – but starting your morning with meditation offers clarity and calm that lasts all day. Become still, close your eyes, and focus on deep belly breaths. For those with a busy mind – try guided meditation – I love Tara Brach’s!


Exercise not only helps to lower stress hormones but it also helps to increase endorphins and feel good receptors in the brain. We tend to skip exercise when we get busy or overwhelmed but even the shortest bursts of movement can help. A great way to keep yourself moving is to incorporate shorter workouts into your daily life. Try a short HIT program, brisk walk or pump up the music & dance your heart out until you really break a sweat.


Hydration is key for looking and feeling your best through the holiday. Especially with lots of travel. To make hydration easier carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go & fill up throughout the day.


With the overindulgence that tends to occur during holiday events our liver and immune system need a little extra support. Green veggies can be easily incorporated into your day via smoothies, juices, salads and warming curries.  A perfect way to create inner harmony and alkalinity.


When it comes to staying sane through the holidays, sleep is just as important as the food you are consuming. Try to get a solid 7-8 hours of sleep a night and do your best to get to bed before midnight. If you skimp the night before, give yourself permission to take a 30-minute catnap at some point in your day.


We don’t need to say yes to everything. It’s okay to create boundaries and say no to anything that feels like too much. Giving yourself time and space will help you feel more present and relaxed, with more to offer the world around you.